Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Playa del Carmen!!

On The beach at Playa del Carmen, Mexico!
This is an attempt to encapsulate a missions trip that I got to go on with seven other people from Westside (whose pictures I do not have), and it was amazing! We went to see Ron and Donna Griggs, former westsiders who have been living in Playa for about 4 years pastoring a church there.

El mar Caribe

una mariposa, there are so many pretty ones there.

At pastor Alfonso's church, helping build, paint, mix cement ect.

The jovenes. Beware of highschool guys! Run for your life, actually.

Mama Donna with "her boys"
Pastors from around the Yucatan at a meeting

Riding in the trusty blue van with the gangstas. These guys came from the island of Cozumel with their pastor and a group of other missionaries. They are crazy for Jesus!

Too cool.

Where we stayed for two nights in the town of Libre Union

The girl in the red shirt was one of the people who got prayer for various ailments, she had pain in her stomach, and it was healed!

Making food with the Mayan ladies. They told me that if I marry a Mexican (ha), my mother in law wiill teach me how to make tortillas, since I couldn't perform to their standards. Hmmm.

A pink bug in Valladolid, where we hung out for five hours waiting for the not-so-trusty blue van to get fixed. It was okay, because the place was beautiful, and we were able to hang out with the Mexicans on our team. The cool thing about missions trips, especially when you join up with a local team, is that you leave with friends in the country! And this was only after one week. Wow. There's a lot that I didn't even scratch the surface of in this short post, but I think that you get the idea. Wanna come with me next time? =)

Monday, January 08, 2007

::Snow Day::

Molly pushing the car. No further explanation needed. Don't worry, I helped too.

Nolan and I catching some air on the snow boogie. Well, I guess this was taken just before we lifted off.

Molly and Sam, before the bruised tailbone and two hurt backs. Just ask Molly...

Nolan and I, who managed to walk away from the hill unscathed. Except for the back of my head, but that was minor.

The weather was amazing!! I think I'll try and find a nice soft innertube to ride on for next time, though. =P