Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hello and Welcome!

Hi and welcome to my blog! Right now I am nannying for some friends who have high-speed internet, and the kids are in bed... wheee! I have homework to do, but that will have to wait. Most definately.

Wait.. one of them just popped out of bed. Hmm.
I have been seeing the hand of God in little boys today. I mean, getting to know the kids I'm watching has been cool. I get to find out how God wired them, what they like and don't like, what they struggle with. It's also fun to be able to be the "nice guy", and just do fun stuff with them.
I hope that I am able to encourage and minister to them this week.

This is from the Sisters Wilderness in August '06. I need to find out what kind of fungus this is... =)